Best Summer Internship for Students

In this video, you’ll learn about:
  • The skills you’ll develop when you work at Camp Ramaquois
  • The benefits of being a camp counselor or lifeguard
  • What it’s like working at camp
  • What current and former staff members say about their experience at Ramaquois
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At Camp Ramaquois. We know that students want to prepare themselves to be successful after college. In order to thrive in the real world, you need to build the skills that the best employers are looking for, skills like leadership, communication, teamwork responsibility, and thinking on your feet.


The problem is that most internships don’t develop the skills you need to reach your potential, not to mention they aren’t fun or rewarding. You shouldn’t have to settle for a boring internship this summer. At Camp Ramaquois we believe that top students deserve the opportunity to develop their leadership skills in a fun and rewarding environment.


We understand the pressure that students feel from parents, teachers, and professors, and that’s why we’ve spent years developing a system that provides camp counselors with important on-the-job training training that will give you the tools that you need to be successful at Ramaquois and beyond. Here’s how it works. First, we interview and hire top students to work as counselors, lifeguards and specialists here at Ramaquois.


Second, our University of Ramaquois pre-camp training focuses on a variety of skills, including leadership, communication, and teamwork. Third, throughout the summer, you will receive regular feedback from your supervisor regarding your progress.


At the end of the summer, you will have developed new skills and importantly, learned how to communicate the value of those skills to potential employers in the future.


I have been a counselor at Camp Ramaquois since 2016, and it’s a place that I see myself coming back for years and years to come. I think that it is the only job where you can truly be a fun professional in that you’re able to have so much fun with your campers and you’re able to do such crazy, cool things that you would never be able to normally do while also honing your own career skill set. I feel like my organizational skills, my communication skills, and my overall sense of confidence in my own abilities and my responsibilities has improved drastically because of my time at Camp Ramaquois.


So what does it mean to be a camp counselor? You’ll be one of three staff members that oversees a group of 14 to 16 campers, and your job will be to supervise and accompany them throughout the day through their program. So you’ll go to activities like field sports, arts and crafts, music, dance, gymnastics, swim and even lunch. But being a camp counselor is way more than the activities that you accompany them. Right?


Absolutely. So throughout the camp day, you are given so many opportunities to be a role model for these children who are ages three to 15. Throughout the day, you help these children create bonds with their friends. You help them create memories that will last a lifetime. You cheer them on for the first time they hit a bullseye at archery with a bow and arrow. And you just have such a good time being a cheerleader and a role model for these children. You pick up skills yourself throughout the day -time management, you would practice problem solving throughout the day, and it’s really a fun, absolutely incredible opportunity.


Yeah, it’s rewarding. But the fun part, I think, is also really important. And you may choose to not be a counselor. Maybe you’re interested in being a lifeguard, which is great. We need plenty of lifeguards also. So what does it mean to be a lifeguard at camp? Being a lifeguard at Ramaquois is a little bit of a unique opportunity because beyond simply being a lifeguard and supervising children in the pool, you’ll also have opportunities to teach swim lessons, and there’s no greater feeling than seeing the joy in someone’s face than when you are able to get them to accomplish a goal in the water. So working at Camp it’s really about the process you go through, but it’s even more about the experience that you have.


Hi, this is Jamie. I wouldn’t trade my time at Camp Ramaquois for anything else. I’ve met some of my best friends and have made memories that will last a lifetime. I love watching my campers learn and grow every day and watching them come back year after year and having the most amazing summers.


So what are the benefits of working at Ramaquois? When you’re offered a job, you’ll be quoted a salary. But in addition to that salary, you’ll have opportunities to earn additional income. For example, our group counselors receive tips, which we strongly encourage parents to give. And most of our counselors receive anywhere from $700 to $900 in cash tips. You’ll also get lunch, snacks and drinks included. And while that’s not money in your pocket, it’ll be a savings of close to $400 for the summer in your food and drink while you’re here at camp. So that’s a nice additional perk. If you want, you can take a bus to camp and not have to provide your own transportation, which will save you a decent amount of money. And if you work as a bus counter for us, you also have an opportunity to earn a bus counselor salary, which is several hundred dollars on top of your regular salary, plus another couple of hundred dollars in tips for being a bus counselor. So there’s lots of different financial opportunities and benefits of working at camp, more than just the salary quoted to you. On top of that, you’ll have several leadership opportunities, social opportunities, the opportunity to work only weekdays from 8:30 to 4:00 and have your nights and weekends free. Plus, you’ll have tremendous networking opportunities. You’ll have opportunities to meet people who work in different fields, work in schools, and you’ll meet different staff members and alumni and have opportunities for additional jobs beyond the summer. So working at Ramaquois has more than just the salary that’s quoted to you. There are several benefits to working here, and before making a decision, you should really consider all of them.


Hi, my name is Vinny, and I love working at Camp Ramaquois. Camp has taught me so much. From camp I have learned the importance of patience, the importance of teamwork and collaboration, and I have developed a lot of leadership skills that help me in my job outside of camp. Plus, spending your summers at camp is a pretty cool perk as well.


Working at Camp is mostly about the children, but the steps get to have a good time, too, right?


Absolutely. The relationships that you build with your campers is very, very important. But the relationships that you build with your peers is equally important. As you’re learning all of the skills that are going to set you up for a positive future. You’re learning it with your friends who are learning the same things. You’re going to make new friends. You’re going to build relationships with people that you might not otherwise have met other than camp. And as Jared mentioned earlier, the Ramaquois community provides an alumni network long past the time that you would spend at camp on the grounds.


So fill out a staff application today, and you can stop stressing about your summer internship and start getting excited about the most fun and rewarding summer of your life.

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